Inner Peace

May you live in harmonious alignment with yourself,
May you live in harmonious alignment with the members of your human collective,
May you live in harmonious alignment with your planet and the beings you share it with,
May you live in harmonious alignment with All-That-Is.
~The Arcturian Collective

Finding and experiencing more inner peace is an important part of a fulfilling life.

Compassion for self and others is the foundation for inner peace.

The following information & tools can assist people in reducing suffering and experiencing more inner peace. 

-) The Human Experience – Beingness is Worthiness
-) Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up, Show Up & Open Up – Finding Radical Wholeness
-) From (mistaken) Mind Identification to Open Hearted Awareness
-) A Scientific Cross-cultural and Cross-religious Approach to Fundamental Wellbeing
-) Awakening & Liberation

-) Loving Kindness meditation to cultivate Inner Peace & Harmony
-) Ho’oponopono; A Hawaiian shamanistic forgiveness and healing technique
-) Forgiveness Meditation – ask for forgiveness of others, forgive yourself, forgive others

The needs of people are mostly the same all around the world. Maslow’s pyramid of needs gives a great insight into what these are. If we focus on fulfilling the needs of people to survive and thrive we can build a more harmonious world for everyone.

-) The Transformation of Trauma with Bessel van der Kolk and Gabor Maté
-) Tension and Trauma Release Technique (TRE) – Body Shaking to Release Stress
-) Navigating the Emotional Body, Fully Allow all Emotions and Release Them.
-) Breathwork – Breath yourself to Inner Peace

-) Becoming Whole: Healing the Wounded & Protective Parts of Ourselves
-) Connect to your Feelings and Needs and learn how to Set Healthy Boundaries
-) Inner Child work with The Completion Process

-) Emotional Freedom Technique – Energy Tapping
-) The 5 step cycle of creation – How our thoughts shape our (experience of) reality
-) Investigating, turning around and transforming (bad feeling) thoughts

Inner peace is a state of being where there is no resistance against what is. Accepting and being at peace with what is makes it easier to move into what you prefer, because all your energy can be spent on taking action towards what you prefer instead of putting energy in resisting or arguing with what is.

The more people that can find peace within, the more this can be reflected in the human collective outside.