Thai Gibson is a person with great and deep insight into the attachment style we develop as children to our caregiver(s) and how the different ways of minor and major childhood trauma can show up later in life.
The 4 main different attachment styles are: Secure attachment, Anxious attachment, Avoidant attachment and Fearful-avoidant attachment. Take a short and simple quiz here to see which attachment style(s) fits you most.
Working through and optimizing the patterns from growing up can be of enormous benefit in our relationship to ourselves, to our loved ones and the broader world in general.
The Top 6 Qualities that Securely Attached People Are Attracted To!

In addition it is about learning to set healthy boundaries and how to enforce these in a sound manner. What is enmeshment and how do co-dependency patterns form and how can we heal these?
By understanding and healing ourselves, our quality of life will increase and we can show up in a kinder and more healthy way to the people around us. And we also reduce the risk of passing our trauma on to potential following generations.
-) The Personal Development YouTube Channel
-) Online Personal Development School
Related articles:
-) The Transformation of Trauma with Bessel van der Kolk and Gabor Maté
-) Tension and Trauma Release Technique (TRE) – Body Shaking to Release Stress
-) Navigating the Emotional Body, Fully Allow all Emotions and Release Them.
-) Breathwork – Breath yourself to Inner Peace
-) Becoming Whole: Healing the Wounded & Protective Parts of Ourselves
-) Inner Child work with The Completion Process
-) Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness & Mindfulness – Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
-) Emotional Freedom Technique – Energy Tapping
-) The 5 step cycle of creation – How our thoughts shape our (experience of) reality
-) Investigating, turning around and transforming (bad feeling) thoughts
David Elliott is a psychotherapist, professor, and expert on attachment. He received his PH.D. in Psychology from Harvard University and shortly after completed his post-doctoral fellowship at McLean Hospital. He is the co-author of “Attachment Disturbance in Adults” one of the most comprehensive works that address attachment repair. He holds workshops teaching the methods detailed in his attachment book to mental health professionals internationally. In this episode, David masterfully unpacks what attachment is, how we can discover our attachment style, attachment insecurity’s impact on mental health, and the five conditions that contribute to secure attachment.