Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an evidence based form of psychotherapy that mostly focuses on teaching people life skills so they can learn to better create the life they want to live. DBT focuses on four different fields: Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness & Mindfulness.Dialectic means two simultaneous yet opposing truths. For example: “I’m doing the best I can AND I want to be doing better.” “I’m perfectly fine as I am, AND there is room for improvement, growth, expansion.” “I accept where I am at this moment, AND I want to change my future situation.”
Behaviour refers to how we behave towards ourselves, others and the world in general. In DBT people learn to reduce and stop behaviours that create suffering for self and others and practice and learn behaviours that create harmony for self and others.
In this video a good introduction on DBT:
Click on the picture to go to the DBT Tools website where you can read more about the different methods.
In addition there is a lot of good information you can find on Youtube also.
Here is a selection of videos from Self-Help Toons on DBT:
This article only gives a little insight into DBT but I hope it gives you enough information for you to decide if you want to learn more about it or not. Personally I think these are life skills that every person could benefit from learning to bring more harmony into one’s life and relationships. This will bring Inner Peace a step closer also.
Useful links related to DBT:
-) Website – DBT Tools
-) Youtube – Self Help Toons on DBT
-) DBT Skills Training Self-Help Video Course
Related articles:
-) The Transformation of Trauma with Bessel van der Kolk and Gabor Maté
-) Tension and Trauma Release Technique (TRE) – Body Shaking to Release Stress
-) Navigating the Emotional Body, Fully Allow all Emotions and Release Them.
-) Breathwork – Breath yourself to Inner Peace
-) Becoming Whole: Healing the Wounded & Protective Parts of Ourselves
-) Inner Child work with The Completion Process
-) Connect to your Feelings and Needs and learn how to Set Healthy Boundaries
-) Emotional Freedom Technique – Energy Tapping
-) The 5 step cycle of creation – How our thoughts shape our (experience of) reality
-) Investigating, turning around and transforming (bad feeling) thoughts