Over the years a lot of information and tools have been collected here on the website. We have made an Arcturian Academy here to structure this information in a way so people can learn, try out, and integrate it in a logical and progressive way.
Each level teaches people a set of skills that help them reach more inner peace, more outer joy and to gain a deeper understanding of their true self.
Level 1 – Earth (1 of 3)
We start with a couple of short stories here.
-) Maybe So, Maybe Not, We’ll See
-) Six Blind Men and One Elephant
-) The Stonecutter that wanted to be the Sun
Then we will move to a general overview of the human experience and some simple yet very effective techniques to take steps towards more Inner Peace.
-) The Human Experience – Beingness is Worthiness
-) Loving Kindness Meditation to Cultivate Inner Peace & Harmony
-) Mental Mastery – Part 1: How our thoughts and beliefs influence our reality
-) Mental Mastery – Part 2: Learn to investigate, turn around and transform (bad feeling) thoughts & beliefs
And we will start with the foundational understanding of how to reach more Outer Joy.
-) Follow your curiosity – bliss – excitement with integrity and without insisting on any particular outcome
-) Scientific research into human wellbeing – The PERMA+ model from the founder of positive psychology
-) Setting constructive goals for 7 key areas in your life
And we will also start the first step into exploring getting to know ourselves better.
-) Heart, Brain & Energy Centers Coherence with Joe Dispenza
Level 2 – Earth (2 of 3)
Some more short stories as a starter.
-) Empty your Cup
-) The House with a 1000 Mirrors
-) The Investment Banker and the Fisherman
-) The Man, the Boy and the Donkey
Then some more steps towards Inner Peace.
-) Emotional Mastery – Feel the full Emotional Spectrum and learn how to process shame, guilt, apathy, fear, sadness, anger, jealousy etc.
-) Ho’oponopono; A Hawaiian Shamanistic Forgiveness and Healing Technique
-) Forgiveness Meditation – ask for forgiveness of others, forgive yourself, forgive others
-) Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance & Interpersonal Effectiveness
Some steps towards more Outer Joy on this level.
-) Designing everyday Healthy Habits
-) Compassionate Communication with Thoughts, Feelings and Needs (NVC)
Level 3 – Earth (3 of 3)
The last short stories.
-) The Egg
-) Two Babies in the Womb
-) Life is a Dance, not a Marathon
Than some great methods to directly go to Inner Peace.
-) From (mistaken) Mind Identification to Open Hearted Awareness
-) A Scientific Cross-cultural and Cross-religious Approach to Fundamental Wellbeing
-) Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up, Show Up & Open Up – Finding Radical Wholeness
-) Awake – It’s Your Turn
Three more paths to more Outer Joy.
-) Aligning with Natural Law to optimize Freedom
-) The Hero’s Journey – An archetypal blueprint for our lives
-) Jungian Archetypes: 5 core ideas, 12 archetypes and 16 MBTI personality types
Level 4 – The Underworld (1 of 3)
Most people have built up trauma in their current lives. Here an introduction to what trauma is and isn’t and some great basic techniques that lets us process and release trauma. Sometimes trauma can prevent us from finding Inner Peace and we need to work through it so it can become available to us.
-) The Transformation of Trauma with Bessel van der Kolk and Gabor Maté
-) Tension and Trauma Release Technique (TRE) – Body Shaking to Release Stress
-) Breathwork – Breath yourself to Inner Peace
And in learning to understand ourselves better we dive into a bit of regression.
-) Self Regression; a safe and easy tool to explore your multidimensional nature
Level 5 – The underworld (2 of 3)
Some other great techniques that can help us work through difficult emotions, and stressful thoughts, beliefs and beliefs systems. It does a deep dive in how our mental emotional body shapes to a large degree how we experience our reality. The more we can work through and release our mental/emotional body the easier we can get to Inner Peace.
-) Emotional Freedom Technique – Energy Tapping
-) Connect to your Feelings and Needs and learn how to Set Healthy Boundaries
And another path to connect to trauma that might be difficult to access in our normal state of being.
-) (Re)connect to (un)known parts of yourself through sacred medicine
Level 6 – The Underworld (3 of 3)
Unprocessed emotions from birth to 7/8 years old that root in our survival and emotional brain need to be revisited and processed through our now adult brains. Exiled inner children and shadow parts that reside in our subconscious and unconsciousness need to be held in compassion and curiosity so they can be fully embraced and accepted before they can let go and we can feel more and more whole.
We need to dive into the hidden parts of ourselves to find more inner peace in our daily lives. Here some great resources to dive deep.
-) Becoming Whole: Healing the Wounded & Protective Parts of Ourselves
-) Inner Child work with The Completion Process
Level 7 – Ascension (1 of 3)
Having worked through the tools of how to deal with our subconscious and unconscious aspects it becomes a lot safer to start moving the other way. To start the ascension, to open up to our more multidimensional parts and open up to the larger cosmos.
-) Multidimensionality / Know Thyself
-) Alien Message To Mankind: “Do You Wish That We Show Up?”
-) Meet your (ET) Guide(s) – Guided Meditations
In addition we also benefit to learning to connect and live in more harmony with the creatures we are sharing our planet with:
-) Designing natural abundance with Permaculture
Level 8 – Ascension (2 of 3)
Some additional tools to explore our multidimensional nature and connect to our cosmic counterparts.
-) The Power of 8 – Creating a harmonious group energy field
-) CE5 – An easy-to-use guide to help you contact Extraterrestrial Life
Level 9 – Ascension (3 of 3)
And here we learn to establish direct connections between other frequency realms and our physical reality. It is a great way to integrate our multidimenionality and make it a benefit to both ourselves, the people around us, the planet and All That Is.
-) Train your Brainwave State to connect to other Multidimensional Beings
-) Connect to the Cosmic Internet – Learn how to Channel