Becoming Whole: Healing the Wounded & Protective Parts of Ourselves with IFS

Dr Richard Schwartz, developed a model he calls internal family systems (IFS). IFS is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts..

Children are dependent for their survival on their caregivers, especially in their first 7 to 8 years. Children therefore often internalize negative experiences towards them and around them as a survival mechanism which can lead to very unhealthy coping mechanism later in life, if not investigated and integrated in a healthy harmonious way.

The phenomenon where young children internalize negative experiences and develop a belief that they are inherently bad, broken or unworthy, is addressed in psychology through several related concepts:
Internalized Self-Blame: Children often attribute negative events to their own character (rather than external factors), leading to feelings of being “bad.”
Toxic Shame: This refers to a deep-seated belief of being fundamentally flawed or unworthy, often stemming from childhood neglect, trauma or abuse.
Identification with the Aggressor: A defense mechanism where abused children adopt the perspective of their abuser, believing they deserve mistreatment because they are “bad.”
Negative Internal Working Models: In attachment theory, children with abusive or neglectful caregivers may develop a negative self-model, viewing themselves as unworthy of care and/or love.
Developmental Trauma: Chronic childhood adversity can lead to a pervasive sense of shame, anxiety, guilt, worthlessness or defectiveness, as seen in complex PTSD.

Internal family Systems (IFS) is an interesting model of looking at ourselves and shows that in our core we and others are curious, compassionate beings that want to survive and thrive in harmony with each other. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their exiled and protective parts.

Here a great introduction into what IFS is:

No Bad Parts is a great introduction to Internal Family Systems.

Sometimes parts get formed in ways due to the pressures of childhood trauma or other challenging circumstances. A part is forced to take on a certain role that provides a solution to that difficult situation, however later in life this solution might become a problem.

For example a protective part that was formed and needed in childhood due to an abusive parent, can become problematic in open heartedly relating to yourself and others later on in life.
Or maybe a part learned to suppress certain emotions when growing up due to peer pressure and later on in life that prevents you from having access to those emotions and being able to be vulnerable when desired.

By connecting to those older formed protective and exiled parts and unburdening them we can transform and reintegrate those parts. Then they can take a new role to play so we can live in more harmony with our current surroundings and needs.

In these videos you can see how this process might work in practice.

Internal Family Systems is a user friendly way to get to know ourselves better and be kinder and more compassionate towards ourselves and the people around us.

It can be a great tool to experience more inner peace.

More information:
-) Website Internal Family System (IFS) Institute
-) YouTube Introduction into IFS

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