Loving kindness meditation to increase Inner Peace & Harmony

One way to cultivate Inner Peace is to do a Mettā meditation, also known as a loving kindness meditation.

Just like the Ho’oponopono technique you practice good feeling states of being when doing this. By bathing in these good feeling states you raise your frequency and can find more inner peace.

There are many varieties of this meditation but generally you practice feelings of empathy, kindness, love, happiness, harmony, etc.

The first step is to cultivate feelings of empathy, kindness, love, happiness, harmony towards a subject that is very easy for you to feel love towards. A beloved pet or a child might be a great place to start. Imagine sending feelings of love, kindness, empathy, harmony towards this being.

The second step is to cultivate these feelings towards yourself. Send yourself feelings of empathy, harmony, love etc. For a lot of people this is already a bit harder then the first step.

The third step is to cultivate these feelings towards people you generally like. Friends, some people in your family or whoever you feel comfortable with cultivating and sending these feelings towards in your meditation.

The fourth step is to do this towards people you know but feel very neutral towards. Maybe a colleague from work you don’t have much contact with or a neighbor you don’t know well.

The fifth step is to do the same but now you cultivate and send these feelings towards a person you have a hard time liking. Practice feeling empathy, kindness, love, harmony and send these feelings to this person in your meditation.

The sixth step is to cultivate these feelings towards all of humanity on planet earth.

That’s it. By practicing these feelings towards all kinds of people it becomes easier and easier to access these feelings whenever you want. Even in the presence of people you (earlier) had a harder time liking.

To get started there are two guided loving kindness meditations embedded here.
The first one with a female voice so you can get an idea of how it can work in practice. Simply listen and follow the instructions.

And a second guided meditation, this time with a male voice. Again simply listen and follow the instructions so you get another idea of how this meditation can work.

It might be good to experiment a bit and create or find a loving kindness meditation that fits you personally well.

Once you have created or found a loving kindness meditation that works well for you, then do this meditation every day for about 10 to 15 minutes for a week and see how you feel.

Do you feel you are generally in a place where inner peace is more readily available to you? If that is the case then why not make it a daily ritual? 😉

A more advanced version of the loving kindness meditation is the Buddhist Tonglen meditation. Here you learn how to take in the suffering of the world and then transform it into harmony and love.  Have a look if you think it might be interesting.

Related articles: 
-) Ho’oponopono; A Hawaiian Shamanistic Forgiveness and Healing Technique
-) Forgiveness Meditation – ask for forgiveness of others, forgive yourself, forgive others
-) Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance & Interpersonal Effectiveness

A loving kindness meditation that came through recently.

— Start with self

May I live in love,
May I live in flow,
May I live in truth,
May I live in serenity.

May I respect the free will and freedom of people to make their own choices,
including my own.
May I follow my curiosity, interests and excitements,
May I honor what is meaningful to me.

May I live in harmonious alignment with myself,
May I live in harmonious alignment with others,
May I live in harmonious alignment with the planet,
May I live in harmonious alignment with All That Is.

— Turn it to a person you love / like

May you live in love,
May you live in flow,
May you live in truth,
May you live in serenity.

May you respect the free will and freedom of people to make their own choices,
including your own.
May you follow your curiosity, interests and excitements,
May you honor what is meaningful to you.

May you live in harmonious alignment with yourself,
May you live in harmonious alignment with others,
May you live in harmonious alignment with the planet,
May you live in harmonious alignment with All That Is.

— Turn it to a person you know neutrally

May you live in love,
May you live in flow,
May you live in truth,
May you live in serenity.

May you respect the free will and freedom of people to make their own choices,
including your own.
May you follow your curiosity, interests and excitements,
May you honor what is meaningful to you.

May you live in harmonious alignment with yourself,
May you live in harmonious alignment with others,
May you live in harmonious alignment with the planet,
May you live in harmonious alignment with All That Is.

— Turn it to a person you have difficulty with

May you live in love,
May you live in flow,
May you live in truth,
May you live in serenity.

May you respect the free will and freedom of people to make their own choices,
including your own.
May you follow your curiosity, interests and excitements,
May you honor what is meaningful to you.

May you live in harmonious alignment with yourself,
May you live in harmonious alignment with others,
May you live in harmonious alignment with the planet,
May you live in harmonious alignment with All That Is.

— Turn it to all the people on earth

May we live in love,
May we live in flow,
May we live in truth,
May we live in serenity.

May we respect the free will and freedom of people to make their own choices,
including our own.
May we follow our curiosity, interests and excitements,
May we honor what is meaningful to us.

May we live in harmonious alignment with ourselves,
May we live in harmonious alignment with each other,
May we live in harmonious alignment with the planet,
May we live in harmonious alignment with All That Is.