Outer Joy – Follow your Excitement

Enjoy yourself and others to the best of your ability,
Love yourself and others to the best of your ability,
Understand yourself and others to the best of your ability.
~ The Arcturian Collective

Having (a degree of) inner peace is a great place to start to really enjoy your outer life. Inner peace is a great platform to experience outer joy.

In this part we share several tools on how people can aim for and experience outer joy. Both for themselves but also how they can share it with both the people they interact with and with the planet we live upon.

Some great tools to design and experience (more) outer joy:

-) Follow your Curiosity – Bliss – Excitement
-) The PERMA+ model from the founder of positive psychology
-) Jungian Archetypes: 5 core ideas, 12 archetypes and 16 MBTI personality types
-) The Hero’s Journey – An archetypal blueprint for our lives
-) Setting good goals for 7 key areas in your life
-) Designing everyday healthy habits 

Share your outer joy with other people:
-) Aligning with Natural Law to optimize Freedom
-) Compassionate Communication with Thoughts, Feelings and Needs (NVC)
-) The Power of 8 – Creating a harmonious group energy field

And on an even bigger level our Outer Joy is dependent on how harmonious we interact with nature and all the wondrous creatures we share our planet with. More about that in:
-) Designing natural abundance with Permaculture