You, us, all living beings, all parts of creation.
We are all a beautiful note in the timeless song of All That Is.
~The Arcturian Collective
Channeling The Arcturian Collective
One service I offer is channeling a non-physical collective that I refer to as – The Arcturian Collective. They are a very loving and wise energy. I’m happy to have been able to assist many people with their energies and perspectives over the past years and I’m looking forward to connect and assist many more.

This is an artist impression that really resonated with me as a representation of The Arcturian Collective. Artwork made by Ashley Christudason.
Interested people can find a couple of short clips, some group questions and answers (Q&A) sessions, a short mediation and a private session in the added playlist here.
The current rate for a 75 minute private session is:
700 Norwegian Kroners (NOK) / 70 Euro or Dollar.
This includes a short conversation to get to know each other a bit. Then we will do a short meditation to harmonize the energies and for me to tune into their frequency. Then an energetic transfer can take place in addition to a Question and Answer exchange for about 50 to 60 minutes when I will be channeling them. And then after that we talk shortly after the session also.
This can be done online, for the question and answer part this seems to work perfectly fine, however the energetic transfer seems to be stronger in live sessions.
Group sessions are mostly done in the area of Oslo. Group session consist of a collective guided meditation of about 20 minutes followed by two question and answer sessions of 45 to 50 minutes with a 15 minute break in between. If you are curious about the next one of these group sessions and you live in the Oslo area send me a message and I will keep you updated.
Feel free to contact me for any questions, more information, or details concerning setting up an appointment through:
Email: douwebeerda at
Phone: send an sms to: +47 45 86 66 49
5 hours of coaching/guidance over a longer period of time
During the last couple of years similar themes have come up for a wide variety of people. Therefore different articles have been made where a broader explanation about certain tools can be found since that seemed beneficial to help people with these specific issues. Just the information as it can be found on the website here for free is not always enough for everyone.
Therefore I have started offering coaching sessions of about 5 hours in total spread out over a longer time. We can meet once a week, every other week or even once a month. We can have contact in between these longer meetings as well through email, messaging etc.
One example of such a coaching path is learning how to align the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual body with more inner peace. This could include learning about connecting on all levels to the physical body, learn about tension and trauma release technique, learning how to connect, allow and feel through emotions, learning how to investigate and integrate upcoming thoughts about others and self, and how to do inner child work to connect and integrate split off parts from growing up, etc. This can establish more inner peace on all levels within a person.
Another such a coaching path could be to explore your multidimensionality including learning how to connect with past or parallel lives, connecting to your own guides and or learning how to channel your own guides.
If you are interested in such a coaching package we can explore this in a free session to begin with of about 30 to 45 minutes to see what we could set up together. After that you can decide if you want to go through with this or not.
The cost for 5 hours of coaching would be 3000 NOK or around 300 Euro/Dollar.
Email: douwebeerda at
Phone: send an sms to: +47 45 86 66 49