The Human Experience – Beingness is Worthiness

You, us, all living beings, all parts of creation. 
We are all a beautiful note in the timeless song of All-That-Is.
~The Arcturian Collective

One of the most interesting experiences of connecting to The Arcturian Collective is this feeling of unconditional love for everything. It feels to me that they are beyond any sort of judgement.

We all are an intrinsic and unique part of All-That-Is and add to its total experience and so its expansion.

They seem to understand on a very experiential level that we are all part of All-That-Is / Unity Consciousness or however you want to call it. And we always have been, we always are and always will be part of All-That-Is. Our physical reality, the experience of time and space, all exist within All-That-Is. Nothing is outside of it, it can’t be, nothing can be excluded from it. The idea of separation is therefore a game, an illusion.

Through life experience we learn to minimize suffering and optimize harmony

When it comes to living our lives here on planet earth. Experiencing our human incarnations, instead of thinking in the black and white duality of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ the Arcturian Collective recommends to see it much more like an experiential game. You come to earth to experience beingness. It does not matter what kind of beingness from the perspective of All-That-Is. Any beingness is interesting, any beingness gives a unique perspective that adds to All-That-Is.

Physical reality is the perfect arena to gain experience, which can lead to compassion, wisdom and skillful means.

As long as an individual is experiencing life, you could say that they are ‘doing their job’.

How we label these experiences is up to us and in a sense an important part of the game. But the goal of life itself is beyond or maybe beneath these judgments, these labels of our minds.

As long as there is a gaining of experience in the physical life then that is ‘enough’.

People with relatively little previous life experience might behave in a way that is not necessarily very effective or harmonious when it comes to optimizing their own and other peoples surviving and thriving. People with more life experience generally tend to make more compassionate, more wise, more skillful, more harmonious choices.

Maslow’s pyramid of the hierarchy of human needs gives a good idea of what is important to the surviving and thriving of an individual human being.

Through being incarnated and having each our own perspectives we discover that some behavior produces suffering for self and others, while other behavior produces harmony for self and others. One is not wrong, the other is not right they say.

However by experiencing those less effective paths that create suffering, over time people will actually learn what might be a more preferable path to walk instead. And so over time, through experience we learn to minimize behaviour that results in suffering and optimize behaviour that results in harmony.

Eat, Survive, Reproduce…

The concept of 8 dynamics of survival (and it’s origin from Buddhistic sources) is interesting in this light. The idea that our focus is first on the survival of ourselves, then we expand it to our family, then the groups we are a part of, then all of humanity, then all living things on our planet, all the way to All-That-Is.

Once we understand these 8 dynamics we can start finding ways to produce as much harmony as possible on all of these 8 dynamics. We learn to find win-win-win scenarios and learn to implement them.

Experiencing contrast and making choices from that experience is the engine of physical life

The experiencing of what we do and don’t prefer in our physical lives is also called experiencing contrast. Experiencing contrast forms the foundation of making better choices towards what we do prefer, towards what does let us and others survive and thrive. This is a continuing and endless process.

Experience life and its contrast, make choices based on those previous experiences, focus on a new set of life experiences, experience that new life and its contrast, make choices based on those experiences, focus on a new set of life experiences, etc. 

That is the mechanism of how we as individuals but also on a human collective level explore physical reality and all the options it provides for experience.

The cycle of growth through physical experience.

The cycle of growth through physical experience summarized.

Beingness is worthiness

Through my channeling and the people that are attracted to it I have noticed that many people struggle with the idea of worthiness.

I wish I could let people experience this frequency of The Arcturian Collective so they can experience for themselves that anything within All-That-Is, is simply by being and experiencing life, already worthy.

Worthiness is something you are, it is not something you need to earn. Worthiness lies beyond, in a sense beneath, the judgments of our minds about others and ourselves.

If you are part of All-That-Is, it means that you are worthy, If you are experiencing life it means you are ‘doing your job’ here. And if you let yourself be informed by your life experiences you will automatically move to minimize suffering and optimize harmony over time informed by all the experience you gather.

I just wanted to give this viewpoint because if people can tap into this for themselves it can really help them with finding more inner peace within.

A book that can help gain this insight on an intellectual level is: No Boundary by Ken Wilber. (Mirror) In the book he describes the boundaries that naturally seems to form when incarnating in a human body. How the illusion of separation from All-That-Is seems to happen through multiple boundaries that seem to be experienced. Which creates this feeling in most human beings of being a ‘separate’ me that is apart from unitive consciousness/All-That-Is.

This illustration shows the most common boundaries on different levels.
The free downloadable book explains the details in great clarity.

From the book – No Boundary by Ken Wilber

There are great video resources also, Awaken the World Film is a great starting point:

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